Getting started with Sapper and Svelte

A friend of mine recently introduced me to Svelte and the approach impressed me. Instead of doing a lot of work in the browser inside a virtual DOM (like a lot of frameworks), Svelte is a compiler step, meaning the code is compiled to efficient vanilla JavaScript when the project is built. It results in a considerably lighter load whilst also being able to leverage useful functionality such as reactivity which might be why you're choosing to use a framework in the first place. Combine this with sapper and you can get a lightweight, statically generated application out of the box.

Read the article about Getting started with Sapper and Svelte

Static and serverless with Vue.js, Nuxt.js, Vuex, Contentful, Netlify

I'm a big fan of Vue.js and Vuex for state management. Combine this with Nuxt and you can generate a static version of your Vue application and give your users a speedy site served from HTML files. I cover this and how you might approach making the content of your static site dynamic using Netlify webhooks and Contentful as a CMS.

Read the article about Static and serverless with Vue.js, Nuxt.js, Vuex, Contentful, Netlify