Category: JavaScript
Fixing React Testing Library 'test was not wrapped in act' warning
When writing tests with React Testing Library, developers often run into the 'React state updates should be wrapped into act' warning.
Read the article about Fixing React Testing Library 'test was not wrapped in act' warning
Testing React Component Error Boundaries
I've been working with error boundaries in React. Here's how to effectively test thrown errors by components wrapped in an error boundary using Vitest and React Testing Library.
Read the article about Testing React Component Error Boundaries
Mocking JavaScript Class Inner Functions With Jest
I was recently writing unit tests for a project and I wanted to test whether a function in one class had been called by a parent class. Sounds simple right? I found it a bit trickier than anticipated so wanted to share my learnings.
Read the article about Mocking JavaScript Class Inner Functions With Jest
Getting started with Sapper and Svelte
A friend of mine recently introduced me to Svelte and the approach impressed me. Instead of doing a lot of work in the browser inside a virtual DOM (like a lot of frameworks), Svelte is a compiler step, meaning the code is compiled to efficient vanilla JavaScript when the project is built. It results in a considerably lighter load whilst also being able to leverage useful functionality such as reactivity which might be why you're choosing to use a framework in the first place. Combine this with sapper and you can get a lightweight, statically generated application out of the box.
Read the article about Getting started with Sapper and Svelte
Static and serverless with Vue.js, Nuxt.js, Vuex, Contentful, Netlify
I'm a big fan of Vue.js and Vuex for state management. Combine this with Nuxt and you can generate a static version of your Vue application and give your users a speedy site served from HTML files. I cover this and how you might approach making the content of your static site dynamic using Netlify webhooks and Contentful as a CMS.
Read the article about Static and serverless with Vue.js, Nuxt.js, Vuex, Contentful, Netlify
Working with the Payment Request API
One of things that irks me about the usability of shopping online is the inconsistent checkout experience between different merchants. Do I really need to enter the same delivery/billing address, card number, CVC code etc. into every websites specific form? Payment Request API to the rescue.
Understanding how a JavaScript ES6 debounce function works
I was asked recently how debouncing works in JavaScript. I knew why I should use it, what it did and that the ES6 helper function I'd been using was short and easy to read through. However I didn't grasp what was going on 'under the hood'.
Read the article about Understanding how a JavaScript ES6 debounce function works